Toronto is home to many scenic ravines that weave through its urban landscape. Homes situated along their edges benefit from stunning views and an abundance of wildlife. To protect these natural features, both the province and the city have established specific guidelines for new development, including additions, new builds, accessory structures, and landscaping. Below is a summary of these special requirements and approval processes.


  • PROPERTY SURVEY: Obtain a current property survey that includes topographic contours and tree information.

  • CONTACT THE TRCA: Contact the TRCA to have them determine if a geological report is required to establish the top-of-bank (line of long term stable slope). This may require filing a Concept Development Application. For properties at the bottom of a ravine, ask them to confirm the toe-of-bank.

  • HOUSE MEASURE: While the survey and geological study are being done, your architect can complete measured drawings of your existing house if it is to be utilized as part of your project.


With a detailed survey and identification of the top-of-bank or toe-of-bank, your architect can determine what special approvals are required based on the design scheme. These approvals must be obtained before the Building Department will issue permits. While these approvals can be pursued simultaneously, it's advisable to secure consent from the TRCA first for any work within 10 metres of the top-of-bank or toe-of-slope lines. While it's possible to continue design development during this process, it's generally better to wait until after approvals are in place, in case any adjustments are needed.

  • TRCA (TORONTO & REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY): A permit is required from the TRCA for any project on a property that falls within their designated areas. Depending on the scope of work, additional documentation such a grading plans and geological studies may be required. Approval is usually straightforward unless there is new work proposed within the 10 metre setback required for the top-of-bank or toe-of-slope lines. Gaining approval for such work is not guaranteed, and it helps if there is precedent or special considerations that can be demonstrated to justify the request.

  • COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT: Once it is clear what design scheme the TRCA will support, the architect should file for a zoning review to identify what zoning variances may be necessary. An application should then be made to the Committee of Adjustment—an appointed board that conducts public hearings. To help gain their approval, it is important to receive your adjacent neighbours’ support, as well as identify any relevant precedent development projects nearby.

  • URBAN FORESTRY (RAVINE & NATURAL FEATURE PROTECTION): An application will be required if any work falls within a tree’s designated protection zone. For this requirement, an arborist must be hired to make an arborist report, tree protection plan, and maintenance plan. Depending on the scope of work, additional documentation—including a stewardship plan—may be required.
